Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 20

We've had workshops at the FSD Circuit Road office everyday since we've arrived in Jodhpur.  The most interesting ones have been the ones on the caste system and the one today on the Panchayti Raj Institution (PRI).  The PRI discussion led into a discussion on the Lokpal and what direction India will take in regard to corruption within its political ranks.

The Dalits or Untouchables continue to be discriminated against here in India, especially in the rural parts of the country.  What began many years ago as a way to differentiate between people's jobs or vocations has been turned into a weapon of oppression, people are automatically condemned based on their parentage.  This was NOT the way the Vedas originally set out to do.

Ghandi said: "To say that a single human being, because of his birth, becomes an untouchable, unapproachable, or invisible, is to deny God."

From Unnati's homepage, this is their Vision: 
Create an inclusive society where all stakeholders, particularly all those vulnerable, participate with full empowerment and gain equal access to and control over services, resources and institutions.

The 73rd Constitutional Amendment was a landmark Act that helped strengthen the voice of the people and that those on the bottom of a typical political pyramid could be heard and included in the decision making processes of governance.  For more information on PRI please go here: 

And for more info on the Lokpal Bill please go here:

Today, we also visited an orphanage that FSD has interns at.  The kids introduced themselves and then danced for a while and we had gulag jamboo with them.  


  1. Love your posts your perspective! Look forward to reading more. :-)


  2. Very nice- amazing just how many places there are in the world where equality is just a dream. Applause to you Rez for bringing light to an area that thrives in darkness!
